Docker: Installation on OSX


Let’s put some Docker in your OSX

The easier way to install Docker is with the Docker Toolbox.

Docker toolbox install:

  • Docker Client
  • Docker Machine
  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Kitematic
  • VirtualBox

You can install Docker Toolbox via Homebrew

> brew install docker-toolbox

You can run a Docker terminal with the VM boot2docker started and environment variable configured by running Docker Quickstart Terminal app.

Or you can run it by yourself with Docker Machine

# List Docker Machine available

> docker-machine ls
NAME            ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM
default                  virtualbox   Running   tcp://

# To start a docker machine akka VM
# > docker-machine start <DOCKER-MACHINE-NAME>
> docker-machine start default

# To create a new docker machine
# docker-machine create --driver=<VM-DRIVER> <NAME-OF-VM>
# --driver=virtualbox is use in OSX to run with boot2docker
> docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox registry

To allow your docker-client to speak with your docker daemon inside your docker machine… Huf… you follow me, right?. So, you need to configure some environment variables like DOCKER_HOST=<IP-OF-VM>.

docker-machine help you on that with:

> eval $(docker-machine env virtual-slave)

# If you want to run connect to your vm with a specific shell you can use (like the awesome oh-my-zsh) --shell=<SHELL-NAME>

> eval $(docker-machine env virtual-slave --shell=zsh)